Friday, July 18, 2008

Can you feel it?

take the stars, give me the moon.
may this darkness meet its light soon.
like the destiny of two souls is pre-ordined
this moonlight will slowly meet the suns light.
the magnetic sky stands motionless near the earth
i hear the moon whispering to the stars, he tells them
how much he loves the noon.
he loves the way the sun spreads its light.
he has a secret desire to call the sun his, tonight.

The whispers lose their way in the soft breeze which blows
Across my face and I hear the wind say “love is no game”.
As the breeze leaves my room it gently says “I love you”
I smile but I don’t reply, just because the silence was so beautiful that it was hard to break.
It’s hours past mid-night and I wish the time goes still, have never Felt so peaceful before..hush! The receding tides say something..everything is so clear from my room.
It says “I’ll come back but only if it is in the palm of your hand” I trust it when it says so cause I believe in destiny..

Oh look the cloud drops a tear in the ocean..will it also miss the tide?
The sound of rain silently fills the atmosphere..drops fall on the ocean’s soft seems like a love letter from the clouds to the tides..look how the whole ocean accepts it with that smile.
It is true love..i can feel it in the I know it will never come to an end.
They say nature works in symmetry..i felt it’s so peaceful just because love is in the air..the sight is unbelievably beautiful..may be because humans aint there..
I finally speak.."teach humans how to love..tell them what is true them it’s not just another word."
I gently pull up my quilt and go off to sleep.


Cяystal said...


joie de vivre said...

yeah!! true feelings can b felt
very nice

Shrishti.. said...

i liked it..beautiful imagery..



Anonymous said...

Hi ,

I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be wow.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘Expressions.’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;

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This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)


Kopal Khanna said...

Hey thanks...

sure i'll check this site out...

thanks fr the encouragement..:-)

Kaycee said...

Hey... just went thru some of your posts... there are really gud ones been written!


Kopal Khanna said...


heathen said...

again...ur words tuk me into an unknown world!!

Kopal Khanna said...
